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Squash Tip 3: Basic practices!

Use basic practices to groove and improve your shots. Make time for this perhaps before you play. It can have a big impact on your game in the longer term. Concentrate on doing a few practices well. My basic practice is the boast and drive routine. Starting at the front of the court I concentrate first on striking the ball, turning my shoulders, staying away from the ball and making sure I open the racket face and hit the ball sweetly just in front of my front leg.
After hitting, movement back to the T is crucial so that you can practise your positioning for the next shot. Practise getting in the right place for your shot and try to eliminate casual shots.
Drives should be hit flat and you should be always trying to beat your opponent with the shot just as you would in a match. When boasting, position is all important. To get the ball up consistently under pressure, you have to be back with the ball and far enough away from it to get a full swing in. Make sure you get behind the ball. Under pressure I tend to hit the safer three wall boast, but when I’m in a more attacking position I move my opponent up the court with a two wall shot.