Over the next two weeks you should play conditioned and normal games. Concentrate on what you want to improve rather than on winning the games. Also do some quick ghosting (20-30 seconds, no more) and keep up the weights sessions (light weights, more reps).
Before you actually play a match you want to make sure you’ve hit plenty of balls but at the same time that you’re well rested.
But what about the mental preparation? The key is to set yourself goals and have a clear idea of how you want to play tactically in your matches.
Don’t just wander through your training routines. Every shot is important, even in practice, and needs your full energy. Even when you’re in the gym you should be concentrating on the good it will do you on court.
If you play practice matches before real matches, don’t worry if your game isn’t as polished as you’d like it. Be patient. You goal should be to play well when it counts.
Once I actually start playing in a tournament I let myself go onto auto-pilot. I try to play within “the zone”. This means I’m completely relaxed and I let all the practising and training speak for itself.