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Junior Skills Tests

These awards are designed to encourage young learners by testing their ability in the basic skills of the game, and understanding of rules and tactics of squash and mini squash. There are ascending levels: Green, Blue, Red, Bronze, Referees, Silver and Gold.
For Green and Blue Awards only;
Mini squash equipment and either a squash, mini squash or foam ball can be used.
The measurements given are intended as guidelines only.
Testing can take place on either a squash court or a one wall facility, i.e. school hall or gym.
Rackets are not required for the green award.
There is no need for the whole test to be taken at one time.
All the feeding and co-operative rallies may be completed with the coach or another.
Successful players will be presented with a certificate.
Ball Toss-Throw the ball into the air, let it bounce on the floor, catch it after one bounce. 4 out of 6 pass.
Bouncing Catch-Throw a ball against a wall, let it bounce once on the floor, catch it after the bounce. 4 out of 6 pass.
Volley Catch-Stand behind a 2 metre floor line, throw the ball onto the wall and catch it before it bounces on the floor (on the volley). 4 out of 6 pass.
High throw-Stand behind a 2 metre floor line, throw the ball onto the wall above a 1 metre line. The ball must land on the opposite side of the court behind the 2 metre line. 4 out of 6 pass.
Throw and Catch-With a partner, have a six shot co-operative throw and catch rally. One player must throw the ball onto the front wall above the one metre line, must be caught by his friend and can only be allowed to have bounced once.
Racket Run-Carry the ball on the racket for 10 metres, then return to base. Ball to remain on the racket throughout routine.
Bouncing Run-Bounce the ball on the racket. Aim for 6 consecutive hits. Scoring stops when an error occurs.
Solo Rally-Solo continuous rally against the wall of six shots. The ball is to be hit above the one metre high line or service line on the front wall.
Serve Across-Serve from behind the 2 metre floor line to hit to above the service line and land in the opposite half court. 4 out of 6 pass.
Partner Rally-Play a six shot co-operative rally with a partner or coach. One bounce on the floor only. The ball must hit the wall above the service line.
Ball Bounce-Bounce the ball on the racket 10 times.
Solo Rally-Solo rally of 10 shots against the wall.
Serve Across-Serve from each service box above the service line and into the opposite side of the court (not necessary into the back corner). 4 out of 6 pass.
Straight Drive-Hit a straight drive from a simple straight hand or simple racket feed. 4 out of 6 pass.
Partner Rally-Play a 10 shot co-operative rally.
Solo Rally-Solo rally to 10 shots against front wall, above service line. Forehand and backhand.
Proper Serve-Serve correctly from each service box, ball to hit above the “service line” and land in the opposite back quarter of the court. 4 out of 6 pass.
Straight Drive-Showing movement from the “T”, hit a straight drive from a simple straight feed. Ball to land behind “short line”. Forehand and backhand. 4 out of 6 pass.
Return Serve-Return a simple serve (player should be able to drive the return). Return to land behind the “short line”. Forehand and backhand. 4 out of 6 pass.
Straight Drop-Showing movement from the “T”, play a straight drop to land in front of a target placed one metre from the front wall, close to the side wall. Coach or partner to hand feed for each shot. Forehand and backhand. 4 out of 6 pass.
Quality Serve-Serve from both sides, Ball to land behind service box as shown on diagram. 4 out of 6 pass.
Partner Rally-Play a co-operative 10 shot rally behind the short line. All shots to land in correct half of court.
Volley Return-Straight volley return of service from both sides. Ball to land behind short line. Forehand and backhand. 4 out of 6 pass.
Boast-Play a boast from a cross-court feed (feed to sidewall behind short line). Forehand and backhand. 4 out of 6 pass.
Straight Drop-Play a straight drop from boast feed. Ball to bounce no more than two rackets lengths from front wall and must stay close to side wall. Target area to be marked out on floor by the coach. Forehand and backhand. 4 out of 6 pass.
Boast and Drive-Play a 10 shot co-operative rally with a partner of boast and straight drive. Change places after 10 shots.
Cross Court Lob-Play a cross court lob from a simple boast. Coach to judge if lob is acceptable. Ball should go very high and land in the opposite back corner, forehand and backhand. 4 out of 6 pass.
Solo Volley-Solo volley rally of 10 consecutive shots from behind “short line”. Forehand and backhand.
Length n´ boast-Play a 10 shot co-operative rally of cross court, length, straight length, boast and change sides.
Boast, Drop, Drive-Play a 10 shot co-operative rally of boast, straight drop, straight drive. Forehand and backhand.
Referee Award
Score a game and write it down, using a recognised system.
How long is the warm up before a match.
How long is the interval between games.
Who makes the following decisions?(Answer “Marker” or “Referee” for each question)
Decide Appeals(lets, strokes)
Calls the play(out, down)
Keeps time(warm up, intervals)
Checks if the ball is broken
Calls out the score
Records the score